The soul in many religions, spiritual traditions and some philosophies is the spiritual content and eternal part of a living being, commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; as distinct from the physical part. The terms soul and spirit are often used interchangeably, although the former may be viewed as a more worldly and less transcendent aspect of a person than the latter.
So many things in my mind wandering and they are simply scattered in my cells in mind like binary numbers on hard disk. From my early life, for god sake, my mind thinking for only the time instance of period between death and reincarnation.
As a part of being in this world, I had belief in every essence of life whether it is good, evil, occult, old rituals, history anything. But in my sense, I think we had many solutions for many questions either in past or future or even present also. I mean to say the older people either Egyptians, Indians, Africans had efficient men to detect the odds very perfectly and they calculate very precisely. If man agrees everything positively and denies some things negatively at instance, may got solution for every question arising in this modern world.
In the shorter way, if even after the changes of world happens, if man agrees all essence of life, may be there is no question.. only situations and conditions.
I think Soul and Mate are both are inter-related ones. I think some argue that these are different. I think both can able to communicate with each other. Different people had their own thoughts to share with about the concerned topic. A related bond between two bodies reveals either family relation or intimacy also. I think Soul and SoulMate are same with small slight difference that SoulMate occurs within two bodies but the former only bonds within itself. I think bondage of relation of Soul within itself improves man towards enlightment, more wisdom, I.e., Meditation.
I think some people don’t have interest to discuss such detail matters. They think they wasting time, But its not wasting, rather its developing or awakening of inner energy or inner soul from deep sleep. They like these materialistic world only to do their own works. But they cant able to earn or give eternal glory between the time sense of death and reincarnation.
The only question arises frequently that, what matters occur in between the death and reincarnation. I think it definitely takes more than a century or less for reincarnation. What does the soul do until such time.
--Mind cant able to stop thinking, Pen cant able to stop writing. Its their job to do so. But Questions are been questions only until USERS discuss this matter or even prolong with their own experiences to reveal atleast some secrets.
---I appreciate discussing such delicate matters and thanks for viewing my slips.
such a great post! looking forward for more in your blog.